I’m calling this “Resources on Agile Testing” but I’m not drawing a very sharp line about what’s Agile Testing vs. Good Testing. Further suggestions are welcome!
Related resource summaries: BDD and TDD.
- (None identified)
- Kaner, Cem. Black-Box Software Testing course. In addition to a series of video lectures (total about 3 hours), has a useful bibliography and further exercises.
- Crispin, Lisa, and Janet Gregory. Agile Testing, Addison-Wesley, 2009.
- Gregory, Janet, and Lisa Crispin. More Agile Testing, Addison-Wesley, 2014.
- Hendrickson, Elisabeth. Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing, 2013.
- Kaner, Cem, Sowmya Padmanabhan and Douglas Hoffman. The Domain Testing Workbook, 2013.
- Richardson, Alan J. Dear Evil Tester, 2016.
Web Sites
- testingeducation.org/BBST, Black-Box Software Testing course bibliography. From Cem Kaner.
- exampler.com from Brian Marick.
- iosunittesting.com
- xndev.com blog, from Matthew Heusser.
Web Articles
- Cohn, Mike. “The Forgotten Layer of the Test Automation Pyramid“
- Crispin, Lisa. “Interview with Lisa Crispin.
- Hendrickson, Elisabeth. “Agile Testing“
- Hendrickson, Elisabeth. Testing Heuristic Cheat Sheet
- Marick, Brian. “My Agile testing project“. The “testing quadrants”. (See further links under “Agile Testing Directions” in the sidebar.)
- Pettichord, Bret. “Agile Testing: What is it? Can it work?“
- Bug Magnet – Exploratory testing tool for Google Chrome
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